
Any type of information wrapped in the form of text, video, audio, GIF, podcast, or infographic is considered as content; such information are essential for any online business for establishing its roots among competitions. 

I have found that many clients come to Mindshelves – a personal blog site of Bijal Shah for content writing with the specification of including as little content on the site as possible. They specify to include short or one-line content instead of long paragraphs.

The reason behind this is that they somehow know that no one likes to read the entire material and visitors will skip the part at any time.

Here, some things they need to know,

  • No matter how well you make a website, if there is no content then you can’t get noticed by search engine crawlers.
  • Websites can’t go away without enough content.
  • Website content cannot move well without an SEO strategy.
  • Grammatically incorrect, conflicting, aimless and misleading content can criticise your business.
  • Quality content has no value if you forget to implement the right set of keywords.

If you want to get an in-depth look at how search engines work, look forward to our next guide. We are going to share the complete picture in brief.

But, is the content only about search engines?

The answer is NO. Content is not only for the search engines, but it is for the visitors of the website. So, before jumping to any conclusion, it is essential to know the importance of content writing and converting visitors into customers for SEO.


Information Through content, it may be possible to tell search engines about your business or website. It is important to keep in mind how your website reflects to search engines and how it provides information to visitors. Whether your objective is to sell something or provide services, it is essential to optimise your site properly in order to be considered by search engines.

That way, search engines will know when to place your website for a placed search query. Basically, Google wants to bring in as much relevant information as possible, so make sure to create simple, clear, crisp and SEO-friendly content.   

Internal links An internal link is some word within content that is a hyperlink to another page on your website. Internal linking is a good way to stay connected with visitors and provide answers to all their related questions.

For example, if you want to know more about digital marketing, stay tuned. 

Google and other search engines also look for internal links on your website. As search engines crawl and index your web pages, they shift from a page to a linked page which can help to index website pages faster.  

Keywords Keyword research and implementation throughout the content can make or break your efforts. Your keyword list and how you place them in content reflects your marketing strategy. Keywords are the combination of words that you want to search online to reach your webpage or website. Through a thoughtful content plan, it is possible to smartly weave keywords into each web page. Keywords should be some of the words that you want your business to rank on the search engines. 
Call-to-action Content is helpful when you want to pitch a call to action for your audience. A CTA or call to action is nothing but an invitation to users to complete a certain action. For example – Add to Cart, Subscribe, Request a Quote, Contact Us, Download a PDF, Leave a Comment, and etc. are considered call-to-action.

There is a high chance of increasing conversions by using call to action.


Content is not a king, it is a kingdom. If you put a trending set of keywords on your website, but the content quality of your site is poor, it will not benefit you.

Content writing and SEO go hand in hand, so contact us if you want your business to skyrocket with power-packed content writing, SEO and SMM services.

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