
If yes, don’t worry because every problem has a solution. But before we arrive at a solution, it is important to get to the root of the problem.

There will be many questions in your mind like why this? Why does such fear float around me every time? Why can’t I communicate with people properly? Why do I sweat whenever I talk to someone I know or don’t know? Do I need to work on myself? Is there something wrong with me? And blah… blah.

Well, not everyone is born to perform on stage, hold the mic, speak in public or host an event.

This is right.

But on the other hand, you are not born to choose a corner and avoid interacting with people.

We live among people, we have to face crowds every day, we have to talk to people, we have to communicate, we have to keep our point and we have to talk a lot in our life. All decisions have to be made.

If you think you can enjoy every colour of life by escaping the world and finding peace in your comfort zone, you are wrong, my friend!

It is called social anxiety disorder in its simplest form.

It is normal to feel nervous when we are giving a speech or performing at an event. It’s perfectly normal to have stomach bubbles when you’re out on a date or interviewing.

Social anxiety or social phobia is considered when everyday interactions generate significant anxiety, embarrassment or self-consciousness because you are afraid of being judged negatively by other people.

Due to social anxiety disorder, a person feels surrounded by fear and worry that he or she will avoid social gatherings. This kind of stress affects the person in their daily routine, work, in public, social events and even in relationships.

Social anxiety disorder is thought of as a chronic mental health condition, but a person can get rid of it with the help of psychotherapy and medications.

It all depends on the “mindset“. If you keep on believing that you don’t feel comfortable around people, you may never come out of this zone.

First, you have to help yourself instead of expecting someone else to play your part.

But how do I know if I really have social anxiety disorder?

You mean, symptoms right?

Feeling restless or shy in certain situations is natural and is not a sign of social anxiety disorder. Everyone’s personality traits are different because not everyone is the same. Some people are reserved and others are talkative.

Behavioural traits

  • Fear of making negative decisions
  • Fear of people teasing or laughing 
  • Afraid that others will find you worried
  • Fear of physical disabilities or symptoms such as stuttering, sweating, or hoarseness
  • Avoiding any situation or event where you may be the centre of attention
  • Anticipating and worrying about any situation or event
  • Over-analyzing your performance and flaws during interactions in a social situation
  • Strong belief in the worst of any results from negative experiences in the past

How did it emerge in children?

Children feel anxious about interacting with peers or adults. Their anxious behaviour is manifested by crying, clinging to parents, refusing to speak in public, and temper tantrums.

However, you can classify the behaviour as social anxiety disorder when a person feels intense fear and anxiety during interactions with people in public but is normal in normal social situations.

Recognize such symptoms by physical behaviour

Physical symptoms such as blushing, trembling, sweating, muscle tension, dizziness, loss of mood, increased heartbeat, and nausea are considered social anxiety disorders.

The survey reveals that about 7.1 percent of the total population suffers from social anxiety disorders, with 8 percent of women and 6.1 percent of men suffering from such disorders.

Situations such as conversing with strangers, attending parties, making eye contact, dating, eating in public, returning items to the store, or entering a room already full of people are considered red signs.

Since the symptoms of social anxiety disorder change over time but if you do not take necessary action when faced with it, it is likely to persist for a long time.

Reason behind such a situation?

Social anxiety disorder results from a complex interaction between environmental and biological factors. This may be due to inherited traits, the environment, and the structure of the brain.

The condition can be caused by genetics and passed down from family structure. There may be scientific and biological reasons behind this. There is a possibility of mental disorder due to a highly protective upbringing environment.

Get rid of social anxiety disorder

When the situation gets out of control then proper medication and guidance of psychopaths is needed. In the initial stage, you can take quick help from experts. To help you analyse the scenario, pay attention to which situation makes you anxious and tense. Befriend yourself and spend time doing things that you really enjoy. Spend time with people who understand you and help you love yourself.

Never resort to alcohol or drugs to get relief from a worrisome condition as these are all temporary cures.

Give yourself time, work on yourself, read positive books, groom yourself, talk positively with yourself, and cut out anyone and anything that saps your energy.

It’s never a sum up,

Ironically, if you left the condition untreated, it can lead to low self-esteem, negative self-talk, poor social skills, isolation from social events, suicidal thoughts and attempts, poor academic and professional careers, and hypertension to criticism. Meditation is a great way to calm your mind and clear your thoughts. 

I personally like to read “Shrimad Bhagavad Geetaji“- A Holy Hindu Book (worship, more than a book), whenever I feel low and would suggest you read it for wisdom and cure.

Thank you.

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